Monday, April 4, 2011

Art 450 Project Proposal

The title of my project is pushing out daisy.
One sentence Description: It is a dark comedy about a middle aged woman who must come to terms with the overwhelming personality of her dying mom. Using animation and live action film in a short film utilizing flashbacks to blend the mediums.

One paragraph description: What is life worth living if your vicariously living it through your eccentric, ex-biker, aging mother? Pushing out daisy is a dark comedy about the complex relationship between Anne and her dying mother. Anne must come to terms with the overwhelming personality of her mom. For Anne the lines between the imaginary and reality of her life begin to blur. By showing this relationship in animation and live action we get a view into Annes past and learn about her eccentric mother.

One page description: What is life worth living if your vicariously living it through your eccentric, ex-biker, aging mother? Pushing out daisy is a dark comedy about the complex relationship between Anne and her dying mother. Anne must come to terms with the overwhelming personality of her mom. For Anne the lines between the imaginary and reality of her life begin to blur. By showing this relationship in animation and live action we get a view into Annes past and learn about her eccentric mother. In order to show how these lines blur for the charachter of Anne the short film will utilize a combination of experimental animation and live action film sequences. Through the use of flashback and dream sequences we see how Annes life is with daisy. We see how Daisy has made her crazy and how this pushes Anne to finally find her own life. With an eccentric cast of charachters including Anne the middle aged woman who puts up with Daisys ways. Daisy the crazy octogenarian Ex-Biker and we meet her biker gang of followers and their leader, Big Travis.

What i want to complete this term: During this term i want to produce a sharp 30 seconds-1 minute trailer. This term i want to have the actors cast and all video recorded. Meanwhile the animation is being drawn and not all will be done this term but we will have an animation sequence in the trailer. I want to be prepped for post production after this term so i can edit the film together over the summer with the animation as it is completed.

Technical and Research Issues and visual research: This term we will have multiple things to research. I am casting and in a search for actors i am also constantly looking for possible locations. We are working with a musician in San Francisco and working on a score for the film. Technically i am looking at many diffrent forms of animation and combination techniques using live action. I have been watching old disney films in which live action is mixed with animation from mary poppins to alices wonderland. It is making me want to combine animation and live action in the same shot in at least one of the scenes of the film, possibly the ending. The science of sleep was also an inspiration in working on this film with its lack of a firm sense of reality and its transitions.

Timeline: I am in the process of casting actors and location scouting. I would like to have the actors and locations by the 22nd of febuary or earlier. Once we get these done then we will immediatley go into shooting when we can. We dont have a date when we are shooting yet but it should be 2 days of flming with most of the film taing place in one indoor location. The animator for this porject is attending art school and working on this project at the same time. The animation is coming in as fast as she can animate but we are expecting it to take longer than the live action. So we have selected a few scenes we want animated first and we plan on using those in our one minute trailer which im planning on having finished by June 6th. After the trailer is done we will have all live action recorded and animation should be almost finished so this Summer if all goes to plan we should be in the editing phase and hopefully done by August 17th.
If you would like to see my charachter designs and storyboards scroll down and check out my blog, all of my pre production work is on here.

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